Customised Cloud

Customised Cloud

Web development solutions

We approach the software development process differently
to maximize your profit.

Contact us

Start using your app ASAP

"An app takes ages to develop."

Or does it?

This is a common misconception.

Prioritise the features you need, and we’ll make sure the most important features are available to you quickly and you and your customers will be able to see the benefits of your app sooner.

The earlier you go completely digital, the faster you will see your revenue and profit margins grow!

See how productivity has grown since the late 1970s when the big tech companies like Apple and Microsoft started taking over the market.


Workers' wages

Comparison of economic productivity and workers' wages

Find a problem, not a solution

Finding a solution is easier if you know what the problem is!

Not all problems are unique and therefore they don’t require a unique solution, but many tech companies won’t tell you that.

Why would you pay a much higher price for a unique software when you can start using a ready one today for much less?

We can help you analyse your business and see if there are some existing solutions that you can start using straight away.

Save your money

The truth is, people are bad at estimations and price for your whole software project is based on estimation plus a margin for error.

So why would you pay for the whole project when you can pay per hour worked on your idea?

If you pay for the whole project you can be sure that you will pay much more than the real value because a tech company will make sure that you pay for their potential bad estimation. Is that in your best interests?

Paying per hour is more flexible because you can ramp up and down your investment depending on your cash flow, and you can pivot your tech investments depending on the changing needs of your business.


Example of cutting off your expenses

Don’t bother with technology, leave that to us

Angular. NodeJS. Laravel. Docker. Git. Do these words mean anything to you?

We'll be more than happy to explain how your app works, but you shouldn't need to worry about it.

We embrace programming best practice, stay up to date with the latest technology, take security seriously, repeatedly test our code - all so you can relax knowing your software will work when you and your business needs it.

Not only a tech company

Need ideas to boost your revenue and profit margins?

Let us help you find tech-driven ways to grow your business.

With a combined team of programming and business experts we will find growth ideas for your business even if you have a limited investment.

Contact us

Davor Lerić


Phone: +385 99 3364 998


Pleternička 1, 31000 Osijek

OIB: 55752957606